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Sushi has become a main staple in American diets. People from all social demographics seem to indulge in this finger food. But, did you know, there are a few rules to live by when visiting your local sushi bar. Below is a quiz I have created to enlighten even the most experienced sushi eater. After completion you’ll see an answer key below….No cheaters, please post the amount of questions you got right…….Good Luck!



1. Greet the chef
2. Use your hands
3. Sit at the Sushi Bar
4. Ask Questions
5. Arrange Your Chopsticks
6. Stuff your mouth
7. Leave Chopsticks Sticking Up
8. Use your phone
9. Rub Chopsticks Together
10. Pour you own Sake/Beer
11. Put Ginger on sushi
12. Mix Wasabi in Soy Sauce
13. Order Drinks/Soup from Chef

Answer Key:

1. Do-Greet the Chef: Smile and a small slow bow with your hands by your side will suffice.

2. Do-Use your hands: Your fingers are just as acceptable as using chopsticks.

3. Do-Sit at Sushi Bar: Interact directly with the Chef and get your sushi FRESH!!

4. Do-Ask Questions: Inquire where the fish is from, how it was prepared. (Never ask if the fish is fresh, it’s considered insulting)!

5. Do-Arrange your chopsticks: When you’re not eating, place your chopsticks parallel to the Sushi Bar, tips pointing left or on the edge of your plate.

6. Do-Stuff your mouth: The rule of thumb is 1 piece at a time.

7. Don’t-Leave Chopsticks sticking up: A pair of chopsticks stuck in a bowl of rice is a tradition used during funerals.

8. Don’t-Use your phone: If you have to make a call or post a pic on Instagram, politely ask permission.

9. Don’t-Rub Chopsticks Together: This action implies that the bar uses cheap chopsticks. Once you split, if splinters remain, kindly ask for another pair.

10. Don’t-Pour your own Sake/Beer: It’s actually polite to have the person joining you refill your Sake or Beer glass. Kindly return the favor.

11. Don’t-Put Ginger on Sushi: Ginger is used to clear your taste palette in between bites.

12. Don’t-Mix Wasabi in Soy Sauce: If you want more heat, apply the Wasabi directly on the fish.

13. Don’t-Order drinks/soup from chef: Chefs only handle sushi & sashimi; order starters & dessert from your server.

TIP: Here in California restaurants are rated with letter grades. I recommend only eating at sushi bars that are rated with an “A”.